Construction Projects

Baptist Ministries of Togo has been involved in constructing several church buildings, including temporary mud brick buildings, reed-sided structures, and shelters for children’s classes. We have also built restrooms for the churches and put walls around church property. Large projects like these are accomplished in phases, as funding permits. Some of our Construction Projects are:

If you would like to be notified of Construction Project updates, please email us and ask to be added to our News and Prayer Letter list. Our newsletters are sent out approximately once a month.

Funds donated to Baptist Ministries of Togo are used for Pastoral Support, Construction Projects, Village Outreach, and miscellaneous Special Projects,


Church in Piladjoua

Congregation Outside of Piladjoua Church The church in Piladjoua was started as a Bible study in the market place by Koffi and Jules. After the group grew, they rented a building (shown at left) and the first meeting was held in September, 2012. Koffi, Kodjo and Sylvestre have been leading and teaching the church, along with some faithful members.

The church was able to buy a piece of property in 2018. In 2019, they began making cement blocks, along with the help of many people from surrounding village churches. In late 2019, they started the foundation.

In 2020, two unforeseen problems occurred. First, more backfill was needed for the foundation than originally estimated. Second, ripple effects from the Covid-19 caused the price of building materials to increase sharply. As a result, construction progress was slowed while more funds were raised. Thankfully, as of November 2020, the building is well on the way to being completed.

Piladjoua church property boundaries

In 2018, Pastor Moussa showed Loy the boundaries of the purchased property

Women carry water for the bricks to the construction site

Women carry water for the bricks to the construction site

A thick mixture of sand, water and concrete is shoveled into a mold to form a block

A thick mixture of sand, water and concrete is shoveled into a mold to form a block

The block is  immediately removed from the mold and placed on the ground to dry

The block is immediately removed from the mold and placed on the ground to dry

Men dig the trenches for church's foundation by hand

Men dig the trenches for church's foundation by hand

The foundation is complete

The foundation is completed

People from surrounding villages bring in stones to fill the foundation

People from surrounding villages bring in stones to fill the foundation

Additional stones must be purchased in order to complete the task

Additional stones must be purchased in order to complete the task

Once sand is poured over the stones, wall construction can begin

Once sand is poured over the stones, wall construction can begin

The walls go up quickly

The walls go up quickly...

...and soon the brickwork is finished

...and soon the brickwork is finished

Next, the framing to support the roof is installed

Next, the framing to support the roof is installed

Workers carefully place the sheet metal roofing on the frame

Workers carefully place the sheet metal roofing on the frame

Pastor Moussa stands on scaffolding and attaches the sheet metal

Pastor Moussa stands on scaffolding and attaches the sheet metal

The basic structure is now complete

The basic structure is now complete

Metal windows and doors are stored inside the church

Metal windows and doors are stored inside the church

In November of 2020, a socially distanced meeting is held inside

In November of 2020, a "socially distanced" meeting is held inside

Pastor Koffi supplied a handwasing station

Pastor Koffi supplied a handwasing station for the congregation

Windows are installed within a few days

Windows are installed within a few days...

...And so are the doors

...and so are the doors

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Church in Feign

Congregation Outside of Feign Church This church was built by an American missionary and is pastored by Philippe, whom we are helping. Our mission helped build the wall around the church property, which protects the area from animals wandering through.

We helped the congregation add two restrooms on to the back of the church. Because the congregation has grown, a new and larger building has been built on the church property and is almost finished. We have contributed to that project.

Wall excavation begins

Wall excavation begins

 The wall is constructed with cement blocks

The wall is constructed with cement blocks

The completed wall surrounds the property

The completed wall surrounds the property

A sign outside the wall  invites neighbors to attend

A sign outside the wall invites neighbors to attend

The children meet in a temporary structure

The children meet in a temporary structure

A trench is dug for the septic tank

A trench is dug for the septic tank

Septic tank construction begins

Septic tank construction begins

There will be two bathrooms

There will be two bathrooms

The rooms are ready for plumbing

The rooms are ready for plumbing

The restrooms are complete

The restrooms are complete

Pastor Philippe and his wife, Tchilalo, standing between the two structures

Pastor Philippe and Tchilalo stand between the old and new buildings

The construction of the second building is well underway

The construction of the second building progresses quickly

There will be two bathrooms

The cement floor is poured

The brick windows and the metal roof are installed

The lattice brick windows and the metal roof are installed

The attached office and building exterior are nearly finished

The attached office and building exterior are nearly finished

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Church in Gningbanda (2020)

Exterior of Completed Gningbanda Church The church in this remote village was started by Pastor Moussa and led by some young men from the local Bible institute. We built a reed-sided church for them in 2013, with a cement floor and a metal roof. The building was well-received and attracted many people from the community.

During the rainy season of 2019, a violent storm destroyed the building. We provided financial help for its reconstruction. Some sections of the roof were reused and the original wooden posts were replaced with metal posts.

Workers put on the reed sides of the church in Gningbanda

Workers put on the reed sides of the church in Gningbanda

The original Gningbanda church building is complete

The original Gningbanda church building is complete

A crop is planted around the church

A crop is planted around the church

The reed building cannot keep the rain out

The reed building cannot keep the rain out

Gningbanda congregation listening to Bible teaching

Gningbanda congregation listening to Bible teaching

aIn November of 2019 a storm caused the building to collapse

In November of 2019 a storm caused the building to collapse

Some of the roof could be salvaged

Some of the roof could be salvaged

Reconstruction began in December, 2019.

Reconstruction began in December, 2019.

Interior of the repaired church

The repairs were completed in 2020

Exterior of the repaired church.

Exterior of the repaired church

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Church in Soumdina (2018)

Completed Cement Block Church in Soumdina The church in this village started as a Bible study under the trees. Later the congregation was able to put up a mud brick structure, and we helped put the roof on it.

Since 2016 we have helped to fund the construction of a cement block, permanent building, which was just finished and dedicated in May of 2018. The people in the congregation and the village, along with Moussa's church in Tomdé, helped with making the blocks, carrying materials and working on the construction. The Tomdé Church has been very active in sending evangelistic teams to surrounding villages and helping with new churches.

People visit in front of the original church in Soumdina

People visit in front of the original church in Soumdina

Materials are ready to make the cement blocks from scratch

Materials are ready to make the cement blocks from scratch

Women carry water to make the cement blocks

Women carry water to make the cement blocks

The sand and concrete are mixed by hand

The sand and concrete are mixed by hand

Hundreds of blocks are cured and ready to use

Hundreds of blocks are cured and ready to use

A cement foundation for the walls is coonstructed

A cement foundation for the walls is constructed

Workers carry blocks to the construction site

Workers carry blocks to the construction site

Wall construction begins

Wall construction begins

Women resting

Village women rest after preparing lunch for the workers

The exterior walls went up quickly

The exterior walls went up quickly

The first step is put into place

The first step is put into place

The new church is beginnig to take shape

The new church is beginning to take shape

All ready for the cement floor to be poured

All ready for the cement floor to be poured

Roof trusses must be welded together

Roof trusses must be welded together

The trusses are attached to the walls

The trusses are attached to the walls

Roofing supports are attached to the trusses

Roofing supports are attached to the trusses

Roofing is placed manually

Roofing is placed manually

The roof is nearly finished

The roof is nearly finished

Metal shutters are painted and installed

Metal shutters are painted and installed

The walls must be plastered inside and out

The walls must be plastered inside and out

Now the walls can be painted

Now the walls can be painted

The locals started a new bench fund and we contributed

The locals started a new bench fund and we contributed

One of two small offices on the side of the building

One of two small offices on the side of the building

Two colors on the exterior - a nice touch

Two colors on the exterior - a nice touch

A wind-shredded portion of the roof had to be replaced

A wind-shredded portion of the roof had to be replaced

The fininshing touches are  made

The fininshing touches are made

May 26, 2018, the morning of the dedication ceremony

May 26, 2018, the morning of the dedication ceremony

The Tomdé church provided special music

The Tomdé church provided special music

Loy cuts the ribbon

After a prayer of thanksgiving, Loy "cuts the ribbon"

The church was filled with people - a marvelous day

The church was filled with people - a marvelous day

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Church in Lama Bou (2016)

Cement Block Church at Lama Bou The church in this village on the mountain near Kara was started by our administration person Batcho and Togolese pastor Paul. Paul built a temporary reed structure in 2008, which the congregation outgrew. Our group was able to fund the building of a permanent church a few years later.

We decided, with the advice of Batcho and the builders, to put up a mud brick building and cover it over with a cement mixture. Unfortunately during a huge rain and wind storm, part of the wall fell down and it was decided to tear down the whole building.

In 2014 we were able to help them start the building of a permanent cement block structure. The people in the church and the entire village came together to gather rocks from the mountain side and carry them to the site for the foundation. With the help of masons, the blocks were made and the building completed later in 2016, and is a testimony to the people in that village.

The  building site  is located near the old reed structure

The building site is located near the old reed structure

Villagers helped to prepare the ground

Villagers helped to prepare the ground

Villagers Carrying Stones to the Construction Site

Even the children carried rocks from the hillside for the foundation

Construction proceeded at a quick pace

Construction proceeded at a quick pace

Unfortunately the building was destroyed in a storm

Unfortunately the building was destroyed in a storm

The new church is made from cement blocks

The new church is made from cement blocks

Pastor Bamazi (retired 2018) at the construction site

Pastor Bamazi (retired 2018) standing at the construction site

The new church should withstand the harsh weather

The new church should withstand the harsh weather

The inspiring view from inside the church

The inspiring view from inside the church

Lama Bou Congregation in Front of Church

The Lama Bou congregation outside their completed building

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Church in Tomdé (2015)

Tomdé Congretion in Front of the Tomdé Church The existing church at Tomdé needed restrooms, so we were able to contribute to installing a septic tank and bathrooms behind that church.

Children in the Church Courtyard

Children outside the Tomdé church after Sunday School

Tomdé Church Sign

In front of the Tomdé church

Classrooms Under Construction

Sunday School building under construction at Tomdé

Entrance to Restrooms

Bathrooms installed behind Tomdé church

Restroom Interior

One of the new bathrooms at Tomdé

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Pastor Moussa's House (2014)

Pastor Moussa's House Under Construction We have been able to help build a house for Pastor Moussa in Kara. We contributed to a major part of that construction, with Moussa giving to the project too. It is complete and is used to entertain people from the community and for meetings.

House is Painted

Moussa's house completed

View from Roof and Future Second Story of House

View from the roof of Moussa's house

People Gathering in Inclosed Front Yard

People gathering at the house

Dining Area and Living Room inside the House

Moussa in the house unpacking solar-powered radios

Pastor Moussa's Family Pose for a Photo Inside the House

Moussa and Pyalo with children Jeanette and Jonathan

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Pastor Sato's House (2012)

Mud Brick Construction is Completed We also built a house in Soumdina for Pastor Sato. It is a simple, mud brick building, with several rooms around a courtyard. It houses Sato’s family as well as several of his nieces and nephews who needed a home.

Stucco Being Applied to Mud Bricks

Sato's house after some of the plaster is put on

Interior of One Room

Entry into courtyard of Sato's house

Chickens Roam Freely in Courtyard

Several rooms surround the courtyard

People Walking from Church to Pastor Sato's House

Moussa, Batcho and Loy going to visit Sato and Hodalo

Pastor Sato and Family Pose for a Photo Inside the Courtyard

Pastor Sato and Hodalo with their three children and a niece

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