Village Outreach

Village Outreach Projects involve evangelism and church planting. The pastors of more established churches travel to surrounding, rural villages to take the Gospel where people have not heard about Christ. They usually start with weekly Bible studies out under the trees or in a local school building. Sometimes the pastors take teams from their congregations to villages to conduct evangelistic campaigns, which includes, showing of films, preaching and visiting homes. After a group of believers is formed, a fledgling church is started.

Our organization helps to fund the trips and the campaigns in the villages. We also have purchased the projection and sound equipment to show the films, and generators to power them. Our funds often go to putting up a structure for the church to meet in, and this sometimes is a reed-sided building or a temporary mud brick building. Young men from the local Bible Institute often work in these village churches as leaders and teachers, and we help with their expenses. Some of our Village Outreach Projects are:

If you would like to be notified of Village Outreach updates, please email us and ask to be added to our News and Prayer Letter list. Our newsletters are sent out approximately once a month.

Funds donated to Baptist Ministries of Togo are used for Pastoral Support, Construction Projects, Village Outreach, and miscellaneous Special Projects,



The congregation has outgrown the rented building

The congregation has outgrown the rented building.

The Piladjoua Church began in 2010 after the village chief visited Tchandida and noticed the church there. He asked Tchaa, the pastor in Tchandida, to ask the people who planted the church if they would start a church in his village too. He said he wanted change in his village. Tchaa told Moussa about the request, and Moussa sent Koffi to start Bible studies in Piladjoua. With permission of the chief and with the help of Jules from Philippe's church, Koffi began a Bible study in the village market place under a small shed. A year later they were able to meet in the school building. In 2012 Moussa and a team from his church in Tomdé went to the village to conduct door to door evangelism. They started worshipping as a full church on September 23, 2012.

After finishing Seminary, Koffi has been leading the church in Piladjoua, along with Kodjo and Sylvestre. He has been teaching some key people in the church to set up small group studies in homes. The church is currently meeting in a rented building, but has purchased some land for their own building. Building construction began in 2019.

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The church among the corn fields in Gningbanda

The church among the corn fields in Gningbanda

The church in Gningbanda was started several years ago by Pastor Moussa. He often took teams from his church in Tomdé for evangelistic meetings, showing films and door to door visitation. A church was formed which met in the local school building. Later, in 2012, we were able to help fund the building of a reed-sided structure with a cement floor and a metal roof. The church is being led by Narcisse and Marc who teach and preach on Sundays, with Moussa teaching a Bible lesson on Wednesday afternoons.

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Church meeting under a mango tree

The Tchèou church meeting under a mango tree

The village of Tchèou is near Pastor Sato’s church in Soumdina. A small church was started there by Sato and his brother, Kaou, under a large mango tree in 2014. Kaou has recently gone to another town to teach in a government school, and the church is being led now by Sato, Pyabalo and Palezou. They have found some land which is appropriate for a church building, and it was recently surveyed and made available in 2018. Our mission bought the land. Sato teaches a Bible class in Tchèou on Sunday afternoons, and sometimes the people join the services in Soumdina.

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Tchandida church members gather before the service

Tchandida church members gather before the service

The church in Tchandida was started as a Bible study under the trees around 2010 by Pastor Philippe and Tchaa, who is the son of the village chief. The chief and his family often attended the meetings. Two years later an American missionary became interested in the church, and helped them put up a temporary building, and then in 2017 built a permanent structure. Tchaa became the pastor after completing the course at the Bible Institute. The church is strong, and Moussa and Philippe often go there to encourage the people and mentor Tchaa. Our organization recently raised special funds to put in a well in the village, and it was completed in 2017. It is a good testimony to the village people of God’s love. (Read about the well.)

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Rural mud brick houses

The people in Kpèlèdè live in houses like these

Kpèlèdè is a village in the region near Tchandida. Pastor Philippe and Tchaa have been going there weekly since 2017 for Bible studies. Often it is hard to gather enough people for a meeting, because most of them are farmers and depend on the harvests to feed their families. There is not a church established in this village yet, but we will update the progress occasionally.

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